Author: Dr. Jesse Morgaina

Buddhism in the 21st Century – Purify Your Mind and Soul I am often asked if Buddhism is a religion or a philosophy. The answer is that it is either and both. Yes, there is most definitely a religious practice associated with all forms of Buddhism. And, in the 21st century, in this time of…

Creating Sacred Space for Meditation and Peace In our daily life, we all have so many things to do and think about. We are so often overwhelmed with household chores, work, family and other concerns that we hardly get a moment to think about ourselves. This is why it is recommended to have a special…

Mindful Strategies for Maintaining Positive Attitude in Difficult Times IT is difficult to argue with the old axiom that maintaining a positive attitude for everything and everyone allows for a life lived in happiness and blissful. The day-to-day attitude you carry is important to your overall well-being and personal health. Regardless of how harsh the…

DREAMS – TRACK YOUR DREAMS & FOLLOW STEPS TO ACHIEVE THEM Awakening to your True Self can beautifully blossom when you allow yourself to care more than what others think is wise, risk more than what others think is safe, dream more than what others think is practical, and expect more than what others think…

Victim or Victor? The easiest thing to do is to blame someone else for whatever you are experiencing in your life. After all, the other person wasn’t watching where they were driving and they hit you! Or, it was the kids who created a royal mess in the kitchen. Or, the boss who is always…

Harmonious Heart Counseling, a Drop of Ink One of my favorite metaphors, is to describe life’s problems like a dropper of ink. If you release of dropper of blue ink into a shot glass full of water, the water in the glass will turn blue.  If, however, you put that same dropper full of blue…

Finding Happiness in Daily Life An child researcher, K.R. Knost, wrote: “Life is amazing. And then it’s awful.  And then it’s amazing again. And, in between the amazing and awful it’s ordinary and mundane and routine.  Breathe in the amazing, hold on through the awful, and relax and exhale during the ordinary.  That’s just living…

What Are You Thinking? Your inner voice This is not a rhetorical question.  Truly, I invite you to take some time to pay attention to that chatty voice most of us have inside our heads.  What I consider the “Little Ego” that is continually describing our world to us. Do you have a kind voice…

Gift Idea? I had an interesting discussion with my adult son yesterday over our holiday gift wish list.  His idea was that each person in the family find an item they already owned that has special meaning to them.  Then wrap that item so each of us has gifts to unwrap on Christmas morning.   As…

Christmas Presents The Holiday season is upon us.  Whether for you it is Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Candlemas, Winter Solstice, or something unique to you; it is the time to give and receive gifts. My questions to you is, “What kind of a gift receiver are you?” There is a ‘Peanuts Classic’ cartoon by Charles M….