Third Eye Meditation

There are many forms of meditation and different ways to tune into the 3rd eye.  In past writings, we have talked about the whys of meditation.  Let us take a deeper look into the benefits of 3rd eye meditation.

What, exactly, is the 3rd eye?   The organ of the third eye is considered to be toward the forehead between the eyebrows.  Unlike the other sense organs, it is not a physically placed structure in the body so it’s exact location may vary slightly depending upon your personal development and each individual’s particular anatomy.  It corresponds to the pineal gland which is located in the center of the brain just over the ears nearly directly behind the area of the 3rd eye. While the pineal gland is shaped somewhat like a pine cone, it is about the size of a pea. The pineal gland consist of nerve cells similar to those in the retina nerve of the eye allowing for internal visual images. It also secretes melatonin, a hormone that affects the modulation of wake/sleep and has the ability to see beyond space-time.

Developing this organ of meditation is essential for helping you develop deeper inner vision.  We have many senses.  All off our sense organs help us experience the world around us: taste, touch, smell, sight, and sounds.  The organ of the 3rd eye is the one that helps you look inside and develop an inner consciousness that accesses higher realms of existence and knowingness.  By stepping into these higher states of consciousness in your quest toward True Self, Higher Self, or Enlightened Self, you will have access to a spiritual regeneration that can bring clarity to your thoughts and Be-ingness in your every day reality.

The Enlightened Self is not something that needs to be developed.  This Self is the True foundation of your Be-ingness which needs only to be revealed.  It is always there with you.  Developing the organ of the 3rd eye enables you to access this fundamental foundation within so you can live each moment from a place a clarity; thus allowing you to live each moment without fear, suffering, or confusion.  Rather, as you develop the organ of the 3rd eye, you can live every day with true freedom, joy, and clarity.

And here’s a secret you should know: It’s a potent source of intuitive wisdom that, when amplified with meditation, gives you insight, forewarning and the highest possible level of intelligence into the past, future, and most importantly, the present.  The proverbial saying, “all you need to know is already contained within you,” is quite true and most needed in today’s day and age. Through 3rd eye meditation you can harness and develop this ability beyond levels you ever thought possible.

Many highly successful people owe their fame and fortunes to developing and trusting the data received from their activated third eye whether they realize it or not.  What are you waiting for?

Open your third eye!!  There is a universe within you!  Attend a free talk on 3rd eye mediation on Sunday, January 28th from 2:45 – 4:15 p.m. and/or February 15th from 7:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. at Harmonious Heart Counseling Center located at 37016 Soaring Eagle Circle, East Fort Collins, 80550; just 4 miles east of I-25 at Harmony Road.  Call: 970.222.9666 or email: for more details.  Also, visit our website for addition offerings at